
I'm gnu-tarring files with tar version 1.13.25
on solaris, then untarring with the same version
on cygwin.  The files are dated 2002-12-31 18:09:xx
in the tgz on solaris.  When I sftp them to cygwin,
the tar programs shows the files to be dated
2003-01-01 03:09.xx.  But typing "date" at the
cygwin prompt shows the computer clock to be right
i.e. Tue Dec. 31 2002.

Cygcheck gives:

cygutils            1.1.3-1
cygwin              1.3.17-1
I'm using Win2K with SP3.

Thanks for any pointers.

Carleton University, Dept. of Electronics
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

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