On 17/05/2017 20:38, Jon Turney wrote:
On 16/05/2017 15:06, Jon Turney wrote:
I don't know why unrecognized options aren't fatal errors.

So, I might have been misled by my low opinion of setup here:

$ ./setup-x86_64 --user-agent=anything

Error during option processing.

Can you give an example of a setup command line containing an invalid option which "quietly does nothing" rather than reporting an error?

Depending on the results of the tests suggested with wget, I may
consider changing or removing the user-agent reported by cygwin setup,
or providing such an option.

This snapshot adds a --user-agent option, which allows the user agent string to be specified.



Could you let me know if this helps, or if you've given up, so I know what to do with these patches?

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