> The file /etc/fish/conf.d/cygwin.conf has the following section:
> # Prepend system directories to PATH
> for p in /bin /usr/local/bin
>         if not contains $p $PATH
>                 set -x PATH $p $PATH
>         end
> end
> The issue with this is that these get prepended before
> fish_user_paths, essentially clobbering any user overrides. It also
> swaps round if the user edits fish_user_paths, or when nesting fish,
> which is surprising and unhelpful behaviour.
> A simple fix to the behaviour would be to run __fish_reconstruct_path
> after, like so:
> # Prepend system directories to PATH
> for p in /bin /usr/local/bin
>         if not contains $p $PATH
>                 set -x PATH $p $PATH
>         end
> end
> __fish_reconstruct_path
> Which works just fine for me.

Whek, thanks. I wasn't aware of either fish_user_paths or

I added __fish_reconstruct_path as you suggested, and checked that it
works. I'll upload a new release shortly.


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