On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 05:58:10PM -0800, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>I think it's in one of the email RFCs. I remember tracking it down once 
>during an (ill-considered) "debate" on one of the Bay Area Usenet groups.
>I should have made note of where I found it, but I didn't. I can find a 
>variety of non-official mentions of this as a recommended convention using 
>Google, but the relevant RFCs are numerous and voluminous.
>I'll try to find something definitive and authoritative and let you know. 
>(It's one of those pet peeve / crusade things for me to get people to use 
>these things, so the authority of the IETF is something good to have at 

Thanks.  I'm glad I asked.  I probably should have implemented something
for my email reader a while ago.  This might spur me on to do that.

Hmm.  I guess I'm getting off-topic now.



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