> -I/usr/include/X11 is incorrect, regardless of case (in)sensitivity.
> X11 headers are namespaced, meaning that you should e.g. #include
> <X11/Xlib.h> instead of <Xlib.h>.  If your code doesn't do that, then
> you need to fix it.

Ah you are right !
All my includes are already in the form <X11/....>  so the
-I/usr/include/X11 was unnecessary. It was generated
automatically by the configure, so I have to correct it
in the configure.ac
  Thank you for your diagnosis.


            *   Laurent TASSAN-GOT                 *
            *   CERN/EP-UNT                        *
            *   603-R-011                          *
            *   385 route de Meyrin                *
            *   1217 Meyrin, Switzerland           *
            *   email : laurent.tassan....@cern.ch *
            *   tel: +41 75 411 00 62              *

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