
>Actually, the custom java.io.File wrapper is very useful in that it's
>orthogonal to the purpose of my scripts and takes care of one of the
>caveats (namely, the filenames passed to Java programs).

Actually, the way it works now, the programs I write have to be Cygwin-aware
(I don't have a java.io.File substitute -- I have an inonit.cygwin.File
class which can represent a Windows or UNIX-style path).

However, as you mention, it's at least occurred to me that the entire
java.io.File class could be re-implemented with Cygwin-aware functionality
and then could be used in preference to the java.io.File class by putting it
in front of rt.jar in the -bootclasspath (at least on JDK 1.2 and later).

One would probably also have to change FileInputStream and other classes --
I haven't looked into it extensively.

-- David.

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