On 22/03/18 21:26, philipkibble.btinternet.com via cygwin wrote:
2018-03-22 20:47:34,174 - astrotortilla - INFO - Waiting for scope to stop

2018-03-22 20:47:34,174 - astrotortilla - INFO - Connecting to camera...

2018-03-22 20:47:34,174 - astrotortilla - INFO - Exposing: 5.00 seconds

2018-03-22 20:47:38,861 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading image from camera

2018-03-22 20:47:38,861 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...

2018-03-22 20:47:39,127 - astrotortilla - INFO -       2 [main] bash 3100
find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer.  Please report
this problem to

2018-03-22 20:47:39,236 - astrotortilla - INFO - the public mailing list

It looks as though AstroTortilla uses Cygwin under the bonnet. The version of Cygwin used is probably quite old and needs updating to work with modern versions of Windows.

See: https://cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.using.fixing-find_fast_cwd-warnings


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