Hello! I maybe am getting the message underway and I don't see the history on the message itself, and you seem to be replying somebody that posted a question before I joined the list.

But I believe that if space is a concern there are two main points I can think of:

- Selectively installing only packages you need. I do this myself, get rid of any x, gtk, kde, gnome related stuff - Using NTFS compression. You can do this by a per-folder level and compress just given folders (or files) "in-place" without making it unable to run/open the files. NTFS does this compression transparent to the user -- at the cost of additional CPU cycles to decompress the file when a read is attempted.

To enable NTFS compression, you can do it for the whole disk. Open explorer, right-click disk, properties, and check the "compress this drive to save disk space" in the dialog that is displayed.

You can do this for specific files/folders by right-clicking them, clicking 'properties', then 'advanced' and then checking the compression-specific checkbox that's displayed.

This should go smoothly with cygwin... but nowadays I believe the space cygwin spends is negligible comparing to the size of the available disks...

Zipping the files with bzip2/gzip/whatever may work for some editors that know to expand the files before opening, but that won't be the case in the majority of the applications. The transparent and native compression should be the best shot to shrink a big and cluttered cygwin installation in no time. Again, for the (potential) cost of performance.

Hope this helps!

On 7/10/2018 1:10 AM, b...@theworld.com wrote:
I hesitate to jump in here but what about the common compression
programs cygwin provides like bzip2 and xz?

Maybe everyone knows about them and clearly you can't do this on files
you actually need to use (e.g., executables, tho looking at /usr/bin
some are 20MB each and if you know you don't actually run them
ever...) And even an error can generally be undone with a simple
uncompress command within reason. Don't compress the respective
uncompress command!

And zip and tar can be used to package up entire directories or
wildcard matched files in one command.

And if you find you really don't miss what you packed up they can be
moved off disk entirely to a thumb drive or CD/DVD or whatever for
more savings tho that's also true of the uncompressed versions but zip
or tar archives are particularly handy for this.

Maybe it's too obvious, apologies.

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