> As for the bug in question:  I pushed a patch which should fix this 
> issue.  I created new developer snapshots and uploaded them to 
> https://cygwin.com/snapshots/.  Please give them a try. 

Thank you Corinna for the quick fix and investigation!

I set up an environment to test it out: 
https://github.com/bryphe/test-ocaml-build and ran a build against the patched 
It looks like the patch fixes our scenario - the build is green with the 
patched dll: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/bryphe/test-ocaml-build, so the 
patch fixes our problem.

> On the other hand, those that will find problems, the people building
packages, will only do that on "official" releases.

I'm pretty new to the Cygwin ecosystem - we could certainly create nightly 
builds that test against cygwin releases, if that helps (and adjust our CLI 
script to grab the nightly / latest test release of Cygwin).

I wonder if, for a change like this, we could add a test case that exercises it 
- looking through the source, it looks like cygload.cc has a few test cases 
around pathing - perhaps it would be helpful to add a regression test for the 
minimal repro?

Thanks again for the help and investigation!
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