On 09/04/2018 10:46 PM, Steven Penny wrote:
If you create this file:

    touch -- \''-#%.!$&(),;@[]^`{}=_~+9zZ'

Then enter "touch", "Tab", "Tab", you get this:

    touch \'-#%.\!\$\&\(\)\,\;\@\[\]\^\`\{\}\=_~+9zZ

So the shell is saying that these characters need to be escaped:

    ' ! $ & ( ) , ; @ [ ] ^ ` { } =

but they dont, not all of them:

    $ (set -x; true \' \! \$ \& \( \) \, \; \@ \[ \] \^ \` \{ \} \=)
    + true \' '!' '$' '&' '(' ')' , ';' @ '[' ']' '^' '`' '{' '}' =

Notice carefully that the shell removes escaping for these:

    , @ =

but tab completion is adding it. Is this an issue of Readline or Cygwin?

Not cygwin specific, because you get the same behavior on Linux. Therefore, it is is an upstream readline/bash decision on what to escape during tab completion. (And since tab completion is a readline feature, and readline is implemented by the author of bash, there really is no reason to assume it would be an issue specific to Cygwin).

Also, whether or not those characters are escaped does not generally change the actual command line you are executing, and it is a lot less code to just blindly escape things than to figure out a minimal output, so I see no reason to bother changing things. (Actually, there ARE cases where = and \= behave differently, but not in what you typed. For a demonstration:

$ echo 'echo hi' > ./a=b
$ chmod +x a=b
$ a=c
$ echo $a
$ (PATH=:$PATH; a\=b; echo $a)
$ (PATH=:$PATH; a=b; echo $a)

As for , and @, they are never special to the shell, but as I argued above, it's easier to write tab completion code that doesn't have to special case things than to worry about what is or is not special)

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
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