Hi Andrey,

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Andrey Repin  wrote:
> Greetings, dwhobrey!
>> Thank you for the feedback.
>> WND would be _WIN32 builds.
> If you are going for native builds, why using Cygwin in the first place?
> If you still want to use Cygwin for building, you have to install
> cross-compilers and properly specify target host.

In OpenSC's  build system (configure.ac),  the Cygwin-specific parts
are 10-11 years old.
"cygwin native = yes" means the old-style Mingw build ( -mno-cygwin )
to create native Win32 programs/libraries,
whereas "cygwin native = no" means generating Cygwin programs/libraries
(with CRYPTOKI_FORCE_WIN32 being forcibly - and probably incorrectly - defined).

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