On Mon, 18 Feb 2019 13:15:02, Franz Fehringer  wrote:
> Am 18.02.2019 um 11:42 schrieb Houder:

> > Now show us the output of an antrun script, where the executable
> > is C:\Tools\Cygwin\bin\which and its argument: bash
> > 
> > Henri
> > 
> > 
> <exec executable="C:\Tools\Cygwin\bin\which" failonerror="true">
>   <arg line="bash" />
> </exec>
> <exec executable="bash" failonerror="true">
>   <arg line="-c src/main/resources/build" />
> </exec>
> gives
> [exec] /usr/bin/bash
> [exec] W i n d o w s   S u b s y s t e m   f o r   L i n u x   h a s   n
> o   i n s t a l l e d   d i s t r i b u ti o n s .
> [exec]    D i s t r i b u t i o n s   c a n   b e   i n s t a l l e d
> b y   v i s i t i n g   t h e   M i c r o s o f t   S t o r e :
> [exec]    h t t p s : / / a k a . m s / w s l s t o r e
> It is as if C:\Windows\System32 were hardcoded somewhere
> The ant exec documentation says
> "The <exec> task delegates to Runtime.exec which in turn apparently
> calls ::CreateProcess. It is the latter Win32 function that defines the
> exact semantics of the call. "

This tells me that "Cygwin" is in C:\Tools\Cygwin\bin; it also tells me
that cygwin1.dll is that directory, as "which" can be invoked ...

And bash is also found in C:\Tools\Cygwin\bin, I believe. (which can be
verified by "where bash").

Consequenly Cygwin's bash can be invoked (even from a Windows JVM). It
does not matter that Runtime.exec calls ::CreateProcess.

I have no idea what "build" is or does ...

Apparently, it refers in some way to the WSL executables ...

As Windows JVM is not installed at my place (and I am using W7, where
WSL cannot be installed), I cannot help you forward beyond this point.


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