I have downloaded and run the Cygwin setup.exe installer. After a long period
of downloading files, it created a directory tree containing ./bin, /lib, etc
sub-dirs, with files, in the normal fashion.

However, there was no cygwin1.dll on my disk at the end - big problem. No error
message in the setup log either.

I tried removing my install and reinstalling from the local cache dir. Failed
again. Then I tried downloading a newer version of setup.exe, but no progress.

Im not the only one having this problem: type "cygwin1.dll missing" or
"cygwin1.dll 'not found'" into google and you will see this fault happens a
bit. Unfortunate;y, no replies with any useful problem resolution.

An attempt to search the cygwin mailing lists for clues got me a "500 Internal
Server Error" - something is wrong there too.

A complete re-download takes hours on my modem. I dont want to do this,
download megs of files I have already, just because the installer got a bit
braindead and forgot the most important file!

Given that cygwin install docs basically say: "Download setup and run it.",
setup had better *just work*. It didnt for me, and for a number of others.
Right now, I have no idea why.


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