> On Mar 28, 2019, at 1:33 PM, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 28.03.2019 um 19:16 schrieb Vince Rice:
>>> On Mar 28, 2019, at 1:09 PM, Thomas Wolff wrote:
>>>> A potential solution is, add another user to your system named cygwin.
>>>> When you build you packages use the cygwin user. The debug information
>>>> will reference your cygwin user, and not your real user account.
>>> Thanks for the suggestion, but there are other solutions meanwhile. Also, 
>>> you would have
>>> to remember to switch user everytime, which may take a while, and it's not 
>>> even possible
>>> to create user accounts on everybody's machine.
>> You're the only one that needs to remember, and it's only your machine that 
>> would need the
>> the user account. Other people building the package don't have the same … 
>> requirements …
>> you do. They're not distributing what they build. They would just use the 
>> cygport and be done
>> with it.
>> (Not selling the solution as I have no opinion on it, just pointing out that 
>> neither of those
>> objections are really a problem.)
> What I wanted to point out with my last objection is that some people may not 
> be able to create an account as they like, in an enterprise environment.

And what I was pointing out is that nobody but you needs to. This whole thread 
is about trying
to solve *your* problem, not someone else's. As I said, if I built mintty, I 
would just use cygport
and be done with it. I don't care about user information, because I'm not 
distributing the package.
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