> Have you checked the default ACL on the directory containing the file?

No, and there's nothing special there now that I checked.  I can change the 
"Read & Execute" for the .exe file from the Windows file properties
without having to deal with anything special or additional (like inherited 
permissions), so I don't think the containing directory has anything
to do with it.

$ getfacl /cygdrive/z
# file: /cygdrive/z
# owner: lavr
# group: cppcore
getfacl: /cygdrive/z: Invalid argument

$ getfacl.exe /mnt
# file: /mnt
# owner: lavr
# group: cppcore
getfacl: /mnt: Invalid argument

(where /mnt is the same network share mounted with the "exec" option, see 
previous posts;  not sure what EINVAL means there in the output,
it does not appear for files -- seems to be only when directories are inquired)

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