On 13/09/2019 19:53, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Hamish MB!
>> On 13/09/2019 01:41, Andrey Repin wrote:
>>> Greetings, Hamish MB!
>>> Please no top-posting in this channel.
>>>> Note: I've just realised this only happens when 3D acceleration is
>>>> enabled in VirtualBox, hence this may be a VirtualBox bug, rather than a
>>>> Cygwin bug. Thoughts?
>>> What video mode did you select for your system?
>>> Which driver (standard or improved) did you install?
>> Thanks for letting me know about the top-posting. I'll see if my email
>> client has a setting to disable that by default.
>> I'm using the "VBoxSVGA" mode, but I also tried the "VBoxVGA" mode. I'm
>> using the standard 3D driver, not the experimental one that supports
>> Aero because that didn't work well for me.
> I've found "experimental" one working quite well for the last decade.
> 128MB+ Video RAM, enabled 3D acceleration… There's minor issues with canvas
> redraw of some apps, but nothing crash-level.

Yeah, it did that for me too, but I guess I find it more annoying :)

It seems after the latest update to Virtualbox and the guest additions,
this is now working again. If it stops, I'll reply again, but I reckon
this was probably a problem with Virtualbox.


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