On 11/01/2019 14:16, Marco Atzeri wrote:
version 1.24.1-1  of

         libuv (source)

Not sure if this is a libuv or cmake problem (as downgrading either makes the problem go away) but meson's test suite now spits out several:

assertion "0" failed: file "/cygdrive/d/cyg_pub/devel/libuv/libuv-1.24.1-1.x86_64/src/libuv-1.24.1/src/unix/core.c", line 182, function: uv_close

(sometimes followed by a segfault)

I don't have a simple reproduction, but this this appears to be coming from a cmake running in server mode (i.e. cmake -E, which meson uses to query cmake subprojects in a meson build)

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