Hi Takashi,

On 9/22/2019 10:11 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
> The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution
> as test releases:
> * cygwin-3.1.0-0.6
> * cygwin-devel-3.1.0-0.6
> * cygwin-doc-3.1.0-0.6
> This release comes with a couple of new features and quite a few
> bug fixes.
> The most interesting changes:
> - Support the new pseudo console in PTY. Pseudo console is a new feature
>    in Windows 10 1809, which provides console APIs on virtual terminal.
>    With this patch, native console applications can work in Cygwin PTYs.
>    Courtesy Takashi Yano.

I just noticed a glitch that goes back to the first commit of the new PTY code 
(commit 169d65a5774acc76ce3f3feeedcbae7405aa9b57):

If I run 'setup_x86 -h' in mintty, there's no output.  Prior to that commit, 
help output is printed, as expected.


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