On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 5:08 PM Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> On Thu 2019-12-12 (21:59), Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] via cygwin wrote:
> > If the temp file was created by mktemp and the name saved in an
> > environmental variable, each bash shell could have its own file with not
> > risk that an instance of bash would erase another instance's file.
> I need the opposite: all processes must read and write the same data!
> And the data must be gone when system shuts down or even if there is a
> power failure.

This is very hacky, but I believe you can get the effect you want by
having an admin process auto-start at host startup, identify itself,
and then set parts of its own /proc/ process ID tree as world
read/write.  I think this will give you the "destroyed even at power
failure" impermanence you are l,booking for.  I know it is not in the
normal layouts (like /var/run/ would be), but we are working around
limitation s imposed by Windows.

-- Erik

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