On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 9:19 AM Bill Stewart wrote:

> > Any ideas why Restart Manager doesn't work for cygrunsrv services?
> ...
> Question also posted on StackOverflow:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59902201/
> Any insights appreciated.

According to my investigation and understanding as of this writing,
the behavior appears to be as follows:

1. Restart Manager sees the cygrunsrv.exe executable correctly as a
service and as restartable. This is good.

2. However, any executable spawned by cygrunsrv.exe as a service
(e.g., sshd.exe), is seen as NOT restartable for some reason. This is
not so good, and prevents the service from being restarted
automatically by Restart Manager.

I don't know the explanation for this behavior. It seems unintuitive
and is confusing, at the least.

Just a guess: Perhaps this behavior would be resolved if Cygwin
executables used RegisterApplicationRestart[1] ?

In any case, I have an imperfect workaround, but it would be good if
this workaround wasn't necessary.





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