I installed Cygwin on a new computer last weekend. On my previous computer,
I used gud with gdb in emacs (M-x gdb) for debugging. However, on the new
computer it is not working. I suspect that gdb is producing output that is
not formatted correctly for gud to parse.

When I start gud in emacs on the new computer, I get the usual 6-pane
configuration, and gdb puts out its usual configuration and start-up
information. When I type the "run" command, however, the program being
debugged starts and runs, the command pane correctly displays the usual
"Starting program" messaged, but the "[New thread...", etc. messages and
any further gdb output (breakpoint messages, output of "info", etc.) do
not. The program input/output pane updates, but none of the others do. I
can type commands that are correctly passed through to gdb, but no gdb
output ever appears in the command pane.

I also tried just the plain "M-x gud-gdb" interface, and that may give a
hint as to what is going on. I did get the gdb output, but with only
newlines, no carriage returns, in the command pane. That is, each
successive line of output from gdb began one character to the right of the
last character of the previous line instead of beginning in column 0, as it
did on the old computer.

Any suggestions for how to diagnose or fix the problem would be most

William M. (Mike) Miller | Edison Design Group

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