On 4/2/2020 10:48 AM, Tim Prince via Cygwin wrote:
On 4/2/2020 9:14 AM, Andrew Schulman via Cygwin wrote:
I tried to install PGI (Linux version) on Cygwin, however, Cygwin told me that 
PGI can only be installed under Linux operator system. So is there any method 
to install PGI on Cygwin?

What is PGI? Where do you get it?


Cygwin never aimed to be a binary compatible linux emulator.  I have run
the PGI for windows  Of course, Visual Studio compatible tools aren't
link compatible with any cygwin tools, other than possibly, if not
depending on run time library compatibility, the mingw ones.  A few
years ago, Lahey attempted to market commercial support for gfortran
under cygwin, but I don't think it was successful, beyond implementing
some important improvements in gfortran.

Agreed.  The usual advice: If PGI has source, there is a reasonable chance
it can be built under Cygwin unless it uses unusual OS features.

Other handy options include the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which is
still part of the Windows Insider Program, but is apparently moving toward
being a more standard Windows component, and of course virtual machines
such as VMWare or VirtualBox.

Some things may build with mingw, which (loosely speaking) is a suite of
Linux-like tools for building native Windows applications.

I'm sure others here can elaborate!

Regards - Eliot Moss

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