On 4/4/20 9:32 AM, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
On 2020-04-04 02:00, Ben wrote:
Is there something else I'm missing?

That by cross-compiling for your targets on Cygwin instead of a real POSIX OS, 
you will something like double your compile times, if not more.

Why would you involve Cygwin in a development activity whose target isn't POSIX 
on Windows.

The make files do differentiate between windows and posix.

And the compiler is supplied by the GCC folks for Windows as well as Linux/Unix.

I just thought I'd try it out. It's so close to working, I thought that'd be 

My main linux  system is scheduled for a major upgrade (CentOS 6 to 8). So i 
thought I'd see how well gcc for arm on windows played with Cygwin.


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