> From: Cygwin <cygwin-boun...@cygwin.com> On Behalf Of Paul Isaacson
> Hello Cygwin Support,
> I am trying to install Cygwin silently  through a management tool like SCCM
> (called Bigfix). I went through the FAQ on your website to see what
> commands/switches existed. I would like to install silently without any user
> interaction and so I attempted to use setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode and I
> get into an infinite loop for the installation. Bigfix tells me that the 
> installation
> is waiting for user response and will not continue. It gets stuck and can't
> start/finish the installation. Is there any suggestions on what I can try? I 
> also
> want to install a bunch of packages during the installation but thought I 
> would
> try to start at a completely silent installation firsts.
> I have also checked forums as well online to see if anyone else had issues. I
> found a one forum where someone is having the same issue with no
> resolution found here: https://www.itninja.com/question/cygwin-realy-
> silent-installation-no-progress-window-with-option-to-counsel

Welcome to the club. Unfortunately, Cygwin setup is not friendly for Software 
Managers. After a lot of research, I have ended up to the following command:

@echo off
@echo Starting Cygwin installation

"%cd%\setup-x86_64.exe" -q -A -L -l "%cd%\cygwin-repo" -R "C:\Program 
Files\Cygwin" -P 

wrapped in a nice "setup-x86_64.bat" that is executed by the installation 
Powershell script. That command is still popping up a progress window, but it 
was removed by our Landesk configuration. You may check if yours having the 
same option not to allow any GUI to be displayed by the installation program.

I have already requested a feature to totally remove any GUI from silent 


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