Thomas Wolff wrote:

>/Would it be acceptable to update the ssh-pageant package to add a file 
/>//etc/profile.d/ that does this automatically? /Does what? Add 
something to other users' profiles? Sounds like MS-style
patronizing of user preferences. Certainly not appreciated by most
people. Also, why should most cygwin users want to use ssh via putty?
Mintty + ssh is a seamless modular solution.


The sole purpose of installing ssh-pageant is to use pageant as an SSH key agent for openssh. It's not a base package. So the users who install ssh-pageant on their machines presumably want pageant to be their ssh key agent for openssh. So I am proposing that this should work immediately after the package is installed, without requiring editing the .bash_profile file.

Adding a file to /etc/profile.d/ seems like it would be a simple way to achieve this.

I guess there is an issue for multi-user machines where different users want to use different SSH agents wherein the default ssh agent would be set for all users on installing ssh-pageant package. It can still trivially be overridden by a .bash_profile configuration of an SSH key agent in the user profile scripts.

What do people think? My driver is that it would be nice to streamline the standard setup for folk in my lab.

The other thought I had was to add a postinstall script, like some fedora or ubtuntu packages have. Are these allowed to prompt the user interactively whether they wish to configure the profile setting?



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