On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 09:49:34AM -0700, Stephen Carrier wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 12:57:50PM +0300, Andrey Repin wrote:
>>You can ask list management software to resend past messages.  I don't
>>recall specifics, and given the recent change, they may be entirely
>>obsolete.  You can check https://www.list.org/ for directions.
>As I commented upthread (Monday) I have seen instructions on how to
>recall messages.  I tried them, and they did not work.  I tried again
>more recently, and the instructions did not work, and I received bounce
>messages to the effect that the request was not understood.  I also
>commented above that I had looked at the mailman documentation for
>which you provide a link, and did not find any method described for
>recalling messages.

Apparently you're not reading the whole cygwin mailing list thread on this


To reiterate, cygwin.com's hosting site "sourceware.org" went through a
hardware and software change in March.  If you're attempting to use
instructions from before the move to new hardware and different mailing
list software then they won't work.

>If you think I am mistaken, please find the information on how to do this
>and provide a specific link.  Providing a link to the main documentation
>page and suggesting that others go looking is to send them on a wild-goose
>chase aka waste of time.
>It would be a useful feature, I agree, and if I simply failed to find
>what I was looking for, I would welcome correction.

Information provided information here:


To summarize: You can click on the mailto link of any message in the
archive and it will invoke your email client with the proper In-Reply-To
set.  That will allow you to reply to the sender of the message and
maintain proper threading.  If you want to send to the list, replace the
"To" with the email address of the list.

I am aware that some people may find this incredibly daunting but that's
what's available given the software that we're using.  Read the thread
for why we're using the mailman2 software.

You can download the archive by going to, e.g.,


and clicking on the "Downloadable version" for the time period that
you need.  It will be a gzipped mbox-formatted text archive.

If none of this meets your needs then maybe some of the other sites
that archive the cygwin list will have something more to your liking.


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