On 16.05.2020 23:52, Kevin Schnitzius via Cygwin wrote:
On Saturday, May 16, 2020, 04:50:27 PM EDT, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin 
<cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:

On 16.05.2020 22:22, Kevin Schnitzius via Cygwin wrote:

The socat-2.0.0-b8-1 package is missing.

I get "The following package(s) had download errors: socat-2.0.0-b8-1"

also that was a test.
Remove it from the download cache and the error should disappear.

find . -iname \*socat\*

It's not in the cache.  Do you mean edit the setup.ini file?


PS: please ignore the direct mailing....

no problem, I have similar issue recently

Looking better, the reason why you can not download is because
the servers are missing it, but it is declared in the install
for debug info and source.
This is confusing "setup"


        1 KB    12.04.2020      23:03:00
        1 KB    27.02.2018      01:00:00
        494 KB  27.05.2015      02:00:00
        1 KB    27.02.2018      01:00:00

$ grep 2.0.0-b8-1 setup.ini
version: 2.0.0-b8-1
source: x86_64/release/socat/socat-2.0.0-b8-1-src.tar.xz 505404 6ee88568c90a121350464dce4ab290ac6c92262e608ee025697ffa17d3fb60e6efaf0fb686f7b280cb3e146e5d399edf2a269bd23e51c66bbfeb61c4e482d2f6
version: 2.0.0-b8-1
install: x86_64/release/socat/socat-debuginfo/socat-debuginfo-2.0.0-b8-1.tar.xz 641900 b32ccd5b0b332cbe059a811d304bc53c8e54c188811868af580b0218af813b595aec0ff03e5a5c7b04d025c0db154db1c121237f83d107c8df175cf2598a4669 source: x86_64/release/socat/socat-2.0.0-b8-1-src.tar.xz 505404 6ee88568c90a121350464dce4ab290ac6c92262e608ee025697ffa17d3fb60e6efaf0fb686f7b280cb3e146e5d399edf2a269bd23e51c66bbfeb61c4e482d2f6

I made the cleaning on the main cygwin.com server and it should propagate to the setup.ini in the next 4 hours


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