On 5/18/2020 1:01 PM, David Macek via Cygwin wrote:
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 8:07 PM Adam Dinwoodie <a...@dinwoodie.org> wrote:
Cygwin's `ls` expects the
shell (e.g. Bash) to expand globs like `*`, but Windows' command
prompt expects applications to handle expanding globs (or the Windows
equivalents thereof) themselves. When you call a Cygwin command like
`ls` directly from the Windows command prompt, Windows passes the
arguments as-is to the Cygwin command, and the Cygwin command assumes
that the arguments it received are already appropriately expanded.
This is actually false.  The official FAQ mentions it as well

I went on to investigate what's the issue, but I can't replicate it.
Things like the console code page, the system code
could be at play, but I don't see why it would behave like this.

I can make a small tar file with some files with odd names if that would help.


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