On 5/19/2020 5:31 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On May 18 12:02, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
On 5/18/2020 11:07 AM, Jon Turney wrote:
On 16/05/2020 20:42, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
On 16.05.2020 20:47, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Marco Atzeri!

it is just me or the cygwin mailing lists post are not
reporting anymore the reply to the list tag ?

You seems to have replied to an off-list mail.

msgid:0d9b4a1b-05ba-8ab1-3783-c3d1f04f9...@gmail.com is not found in my list

not that the issue.
That give me the idea that I am not the only one with the issue,
as I am changing manually the send to address and sometime
I forget or screw ups.

I am using Thunderbird and the option reply to list is not
offered anymore for any of the cygwin mailing list.

Ask Thunderbid, what it expects as an indication of a "list message" ?
There's a bunch of "List-xxxx" headers.

looking in chronological order, I see the problem on the cygwin-apps
and developer mailing lists from the date of server change.

The cygwin main list seems to not have the same issue.
But it can be an issue with Thunderbird as I have impression
to had the same issue also with it.

Comparing the configuration of the lists, the only significant
difference I noticed is that cygwin-apps is not configured to add a
'List-Post' header.

Searching there does seem to be suggestions that the presence of this
header causes Thunderbird to display a 'Reply to List' button.

I changed the cygwin-apps list configuration to add that.  Let me know
if that makes things better (or worse!).

I was seeing the same issue as Marco, and it appears to be fixed now.  (The
latest message from Brian to cygwin-apps shows the Reply List button.)  I'm
also seeing the issue on cygwin-patches and cygwin-developers.  Can you fix
those too?

I fixed them, too.

Thanks.  That does fix the problem for both lists.

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