On 24.05.2020 11:51, Kagami Rosylight via Cygwin wrote:
From: Marco Atzeri
`Reply always with mailing list in copy, please
and bottom posting as standard

have you tested

   " ?


That works by opening a new window. MSYS2 doesn’t have it by default and I 
can’t add conditional cygstart calls everywhere just to workaround this issue, 

Sorry for not keeping the standard style 😬. Which email client do you use to do the "bottom 
posting"? I copied the whole body from Outlook to my IDE and added ">" to write 
this, is this what you are doing? It seems there should be more straightforward way as all mailing 
list users are using this style.

I am usually using Thunderbird, but it works also with Gmail web interface with a bit of patience and after setting for NOT using HTML
mail format.


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