On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 1:20 PM Andrey Repin wrote:

> > When I run rsync --version, I see this:
> >
> > rsync  version 3.2.0dev  protocol version 31
> >
> > However the Cygwin Setup program says that my rsync is current and is
> > listed as this version:
> >
> > 3.1.3+20200429+gitf7746d0-1
> >
> > rsync.samba.org says the current version is 3.1.3.
> >
> > So...what's actually the latest? What's the difference between these?
> Run `which rsync` to see which one is responding to you.
> 3.2-dev is likely a snapshot from ongoing development branch.

`which rsync` outputs


as expected.

What I am saying is that the Setup program says the installed version
is 3.1.3+20200429+gitf7746d0-1.

For that installed version, `rsync --version` says the version is 3.2.0dev

Thus it seems that "3.1.3+20200429+gitf7746d0-1" is really identical
to "3.2.0dev".

Is this statement correct?

If this statement is indeed correct, I would say that this is
confusing (at the least) and that Setup or the rsync source code (or
both) should be updated to reflect the correct version number.

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