Takashi Yano via Cygwin writes:
>> 1. Rename /usr/share/locale to something else, like local.bak.
>> 2. Start mintty in the usual way.
>> 3. Rename the directory from step 1 back to /usr/share/local.
>> 4. Work just like the problem never existed either in the shell running
>> inside the mintty or even start a new mintty.
> I guess renaming /usr/share/locale/locale.alias is enough.

I've had some time to look into this problem again after having updated
Cygwin to the latest and greatest.  Indeed, when


gets renamed, the problem also goes away.  This is great because I don't
really need the locale aliases for anything.  Btw, my laptop got
upgraded to Win10 1909 (Enterprise) in the meantime, so the issue isn't
specific to 1803 as was supected earlier.

I then tried to figure out what exactly causes the problem and it turns
out that it's the _presence_ of this file with the additional condition
that it must not be owned by the user starting the mintty/shell.  Since
I install Cygwin on my work laptop with a different (admin) account and
not my (non-admin) user account, that explains why I am seeing the
problem there and not on other machines.  Before you are going to
suggest that it's the admin vs. non-admin rights: no, if I create a
locale.alias with my user account (either as an empty file or a copy of
the backup file), then the admin account is unable to start a shell in
mintty successfully.  I have no idea why the ownership of a file that
onnly should get read (and is readable by everyone) would have the
effect I'm seeing, but maybe that gives the clue on where to look for a

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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