Greetings, Carlo Florendo!

> Recently, I've had a very serious problem: I could not see certain
> files in cygwin's bash and other shells but I can see  them on Windows
> explorer and Windows command line.  I've tried setting windows file
> attributes via cmd's "attrib -A -S -H -R -I" to no avail.  The files
> don't show up in cygwin's commands ls, find, grep, etc...

There was a time, when files marked as Temporary were not shown in Cygwin.
The ATTRIB command can't show/change this attribute.

> As such, my shell scripts broke whenever they ran in directories where
> those files were unaccessible via bash.

> After diagnosing this for several months, I almost wanted to give up
> and live with this, putting unnecessary workaround in my code so the
> scripts would run.

You could use Far manager[1] f.e. to show/set more attributes.


With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 16:00:26

Sorry for my terrible english...

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