On 16.06.2020 21:31, Randy Dawson via Cygwin wrote:

X starts a window, (does not matter fluxbox, gnome, or whatever startup).

The mouse pointer does not show up.

This all worked OK with this install at one time.   And yes, I have removed and 
reinstalled several times, seems to work OK after a clean reinstall, but later 
quits working.
I did not change anything.
Is windows messing up with things, like the HOME directory, that cygwin X 
depends on?
What tools or trace debug log files, (and where are they) to track this problem 


how are you starting X ?
what is the setting visible from

$ grep "^/usr/bin/XWin" /var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log
/usr/bin/XWin :0 -multiwindow -auth

any specific failure on the same /var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log ?
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