On 2020-06-26 11:47, Eliot Moss wrote:
> I've moved to new computer and want to install the same packages I had
> before. Is there a way to tell setup from the command line to re-install all
> packages from my local package directory?  (Things are mostly installed, but
> not working entirely properly, and it is tedious to go through an mouse-click
> every item to "Reinstall"!)
$ setup-x86/_64 -P "`ls .../*tp*%3a%2f%2f*%2f/*/release/ | sort -u`"

where ... is the path to your local package directory, *tp*%3a%2f%2f*%2f should
handle your download mirror directory, /*/ handles both noarch and x86/_64
architecture directories, release directory contains the package name
directories, and sort -u eliminates duplicates in noarch and x86/_64
architecture directories.

Don't forget to cp -r ~/.[a-z]*, modified /etc/ files, and rerun
{,/usr}/{s,}bin/*config scripts.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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