On 7/17/2020 5:39 PM, km2z7kca0oge--- via Cygwin wrote:
Hi there,

Recently I've noticed that PHP seems have to hard 4MB memory limit,


Example script:

echo ini_get('memory_limit'), "\n";

 // A large file such as an ISO.

$ php test.php
PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 4194304) (tried to allocate 2097184 
bytes) in /c/Users/JackBlower/tmp-safe/test.php on line 5

Thanks for the simple reproduction steps. I've run this under gdb, and the function zend_mm_alloc_huge, which tries to get a chunk of memory from the system, seems to be failing when it tries to increase the zend heap from 4MB to 6MB. I'm in the process of building an unoptimized version of php to make debugging easier, in the hope of figuring out why the function is failing.

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