On 2020-07-23 03:36, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via Cygwin wrote:
> I have noticed that after plugging in a USB drive, device files appear
> in /dev that correlate to the partitions on the drive.
> This is great because it means things like ddrescue can work in Cygwin,
> but I'm not yet sure how to relate these to the drives Windows sees.
> None of the standard Linux tools I use to gather system information
> (lsblk, blkid, lshw) seem to be available on Cygwin. I'm guessing this
> is because they won't work because there's no kernel or low level
> hardware access or something like that. Does anyone know how to do this?

$ cygcheck -p blkid
Found 17 matches for blkid
.htaccess -
libblkid-devel-2.32.1-1 - libblkid-devel: Block device ID library (development)
libblkid-devel-2.33.1-1 - libblkid-devel: Block device ID library (development)
libblkid-devel-2.33.1-2 - libblkid-devel: Block device ID library (development)
.htaccess -
libblkid1-2.32.1-1 - libblkid1: Block device ID library (runtime)
libblkid1-2.33.1-1 - libblkid1: Block device ID library (runtime)
libblkid1-2.33.1-2 - libblkid1: Block device ID library (runtime)
util-linux-debuginfo-2.32.1-1 - util-linux-debuginfo: Debug info for util-linux
util-linux-debuginfo-2.33.1-1 - util-linux-debuginfo: Debug info for util-linux
util-linux-debuginfo-2.33.1-2 - util-linux-debuginfo: Debug info for util-linux
util-linux-2.32.1-1-src - util-linux-src: Collection of basic system utilities
util-linux-2.33.1-1-src - util-linux-src: Collection of basic system utilities
util-linux-2.33.1-2-src - util-linux-src: Collection of basic system utilities
util-linux-2.32.1-1 - util-linux: Collection of basic system utilities
util-linux-2.33.1-1 - util-linux: Collection of basic system utilities
util-linux-2.33.1-2 - util-linux: Collection of basic system utilities
$ which blkid
$ cygcheck -f /sbin/blkid

Everyone has util-linux installed as it is in the Base category.

Someone has to provide the system interfaces in a POSIX compliant manner or at
least similar to Linux and BSD to port the libraries.

You can find most info under /proc/registry/ (even
/proc/registry/HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA/{@,Costly,Global}/ - explore with ls and
regtool) and there are Windows dynamic system objects under /proc/sys/ e.g.
/proc/sys/ Device/ and /proc/sys/DosDevices/Global/ (explore with ls and 

Note: You need an elevated admin shell to use most device tools and see a lot of

Hack at it, sir!

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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