On 2020-08-10 23:15, ASSI wrote:
> Brian Inglis writes:
>> - it complains that perl(DBD::SQLite) perl(IO::Pty) are not installed - how 
>> do
>> these and your other perl module dependencies map to Cygwin packages?
>> I also mean that in general - how can I map a perl module to a perl package 
>> and
>> vice versa - for future info?
> You go look up the distribution that provides this mocule on MetaCPAN
> and then install perl-<distrib-name>.  Eventually though, such these
> dependencies should be listed in the cygport file with their Cygwin
> package names as BUILD_REQUIRES.

Thanks Achim,

So the distribution names are the obvious perl-dbd-sqlite and perl-io-pty and
neither appear to be available from Cygwin?

The git.cygport specifies these as perl module names, which presumably
perl.cygclass handles?

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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