Am 28.08.2020 um 00:51 schrieb Juan carlos Rebate via Cygwin:

good evening, I have a strange problem, I try to compile code that
uses gtk3 and sdl2 in addition to curl,

Would you mind revealing what code that is?

the problem is that when I
invoke the gcc compiler it tells me that sdl2-devel and libcurl are
not installed, but actually yes are.

I'm pretty sure that GCC would never tell you those particular things. It would tell you which files it cannot find, but not which package they're supposed to be from.

./configure --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- --enable-sdl
--enable-gtk --enable-curl

That configure call looks strange, particularly the --cross-prefix part. The usual way of asking configure to build for a target platform other than the build host would look more like this:

  ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32

The actual output from your configure run, and/or the generated config.log file would almost certainly be more helpful than further speculation about the details of cygwin setup usage.
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