Thank you everyone, I now have a better understanding of how Windows
and Cygwin work (being rather a Linux guy, I was not really aware of
all of this).

However, there is still a question that is puzzling me. I now
understand _why_ things happen that way, but I am still wondering
whether this is really what we _want_. I mean, keeping the double
quotes around an UTF-8 argument just because it is not run from
Cygwin's bash sounds like a bug for me, doesn't it? (yet I definitely
understand the reasons that explain this behaviour). Since I cannot
run my program from bash, I have to resort to manually trimming the
quotes, which I would have liked to avoid.

I'd like to share a message that the maintainer of sshfs-win has
posted on Github [1], which is a follow-up to our discussions (he did
not know whether he was able to post in the mailing list without
subscribing first).
(besides, I unfortunately don't have much time currently to
investigate on this issue (for instance, I have not yet succeeded in
doing the same experiments with the very latest version of Cygwin), so
having his feedback is very valuable).

Here is what he says:
> It seems to me that the list is missing the important point
> about the double quote characters that should NOT be there
> regardless of how the é and ô characters are being interpreted.
> (As evidence of this: the Cygwin command line parser was able
> to break the command line into arguments correctly, but chose
> to retain the double quotes.)
> The choice of GetCommandLineA was for illustration purposes;
> had I used GetCommandLineW I would not be able to printf
> using %ls under CMD.EXE, because of code page issues. However
> here is a modified version of the test program that uses
> GetCommandLineW.
>     #include <stdio.h>
>     wchar_t *GetCommandLineW(void);
>     int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>     {
>         wchar_t *s = GetCommandLineW();
>         for (wchar_t *p = s; *p; p++)
>             printf("%04x %c%s",
>                 *p,
>                 32 <= *p && *p < 127 ? *p : '.',
>                 (p - s) % 8 + 1 != 8 ? "   " : "\n");
>         printf("\n");
>         for (int i = 0; argc > i; i++)
>             printf("%d=%s\n", i, argv[i]);
>         return 0;
>     }
> I compiled this program under Cygwin to produce cyg.exe and ran
> it under Cygwin and CMD.EXE.
> Cygwin run:
> > billziss@xps:~/Projects/t$ locale
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
> LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
> billziss@xps:~/Projects/t$ ./cyg.exe "foo bar" "Domain\Jérôme"
> 0022 "   0043 C   003a :   005c \   0055 U   0073 s   0065 e   0072 r
> 0073 s   005c \   0062 b   0069 i   006c l   006c l   007a z   0069 i
> 0073 s   0073 s   005c \   0050 P   0072 r   006f o   006a j   0065 e
> 0063 c   0074 t   0073 s   005c \   0074 t   005c \   0063 c   0079 y
> 0067 g   002e .   0065 e   0078 x   0065 e   0022 "
> 0=./cyg
> 1=foo bar
> 2=Domain\Jérôme
> CMD.EXE run:
> C:\Users\billziss\Projects\t>\Windows\System32\
> Active code page: 437
> C:\Users\billziss\Projects\t>cyg.exe "foo bar" "Domain\Jérôme"
> 0063 c   0079 y   0067 g   002e .   0065 e   0078 x   0065 e   0020
> 0020     0022 "   0066 f   006f o   006f o   0020     0062 b   0061 a
> 0072 r   0022 "   0020     0022 "   0044 D   006f o   006d m   0061 a
> 0069 i   006e n   005c \   004a J   00e9 .   0072 r   00f4 .   006d m
> 0065 e   0022 "
> 0=cyg
> 1=foo bar
> 2="Domain\Jérôme"


Thank you very much

Le mar. 13 oct. 2020 à 18:30, Kaz Kylheku (Cygwin)
<> a écrit :
> On 2020-10-06 14:36, Jérôme Froissart wrote:
> > Here is an example C file
> >     $ cat example.c
> >     #include <stdio.h>
> >
> >     const char *GetCommandLineA(void);
> >
> >     int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> >     {
> >         const char *s = GetCommandLineA();
> >         printf("C=%s\n", s);
> >
> >         for (int i = 0; argc > i; i++)
> >             printf("%d=%s\n", i, argv[i]);
> >
> >         return 0;
> >     }
> Your program's comparison seems to be based on the
> hypothesis that Cygwin parses the GetCommandLineA() command line.
> But this hypothesis is almost certainly wrong.
> > Now, let's start a Windows shell (cmd.exe)
> > Note that I had to copy cygwin1.dll from my Cygwin installation
> > directory, otherwise binary.exe would not start.
> > I do not know whether there is a `locale` equivalent in Windows
> > command prompt, so I merely ran my program.
> >     C:\Users\Public>binary.exe "foo bar" "Jérôme"
> >     C=binary.exe  "foo bar" "J□r□me"
> >     0=binary
> >     1=foo bar
> >     2="Jérôme"
> The "A" command line from GetCommandLineA has "tofu"
> characters: é and ô were not decoded properly.
> The é and ô characters we see in the Cygwin-parsed
> arguments coming into main could not have been recovered
> from these "tofu" replacement characters.
> What is actually being parsed must be the WCHAR command line
> corresponding to what comes from GetCommandLineW().
> It's necessary to show that one to get a more complete understanding.
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