> From: Cygwin <cygwin-boun...@cygwin.com> On Behalf Of Adam
> Dinwoodie
> Sent: 10 November 2020 13:57
> Subject: Re: Git shows nothing in cmd.exe
> Thoughts below partly for my own reference, and partly in case anyone else
> – including but not limited to Panos! – manages to take things further before
> I do.
> I can't see anything obviously wrong here. There's two key oddities that
> might be causing problems, though:
> - Cygwin is installed in `C:\Program Files\Cygwin`; that _should_ work, but 
> it's
> atypical, and spaces in filenames are a common source of problems.
> - This is a relatively old installation; I've not checked anything else, but 
> Cygwin
> Git v2.21.0-1 was released in May 2019 and there have been a bunch of
> updates since then. I can't remember anything with these symptoms from
> that time, however.
> I'm also curious about the Git configuration here, as I can see a bunch of 
> ways
> that could cause problems. I don't have the Cygwin bin directory in my path
> to test this immediately, but for example `git branch -a` will try to call a 
> pager
> – `less` by default` – so I could imagine there being a PATH problem or 
> similar
> that's resulting in a duff pager call that's eating the output.

Adam, thank you very much! You found our issue. It is the "less" command from 
GnuWin32 that caused the problem:

C:\>where less
C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\less.exe
C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin\less.exe

C:\>rename "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\less.exe" less-OLD.exe

C:\>cd dev\Projects\TSSO_WKS\tsso-workstation-configuration

C:\DEV\Projects\TSSO_WKS\tsso-workstation-configuration>git branch -a
* master

It now displays correctly the branches.

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