On 11/18/2020 4:18 PM, Kristian Ivarsson wrote:

I would agree that if you want an executable that acts and feels more like a 
Windows native application, then mingw is probably what you want.  Cygwin is if 
you want something that acts and feels more like a Posix thing ... which means 
it will be oriented to Posix style paths.
To be able to use mingw all the code have to be ported to use Windows native 
mechanisms and then we might just use MSVC instead

We don’t want (either) Windows-style-paths or Posix-style-paths, we want A path 
and expect it to work equally regardless of what platform is used in regards to 

As far as I see, very few applications do form their own - and/or have 
hard-coded absolute paths and instead they are usually input data (through UI, 
configuration, OS, environment or such)

IN this context, I would say "Which std::filesystem? The Cygwin Posix-like one or the mingw Windows-like one?" If you want uniformity, I'd go with Cygwin; it you want platform-like behavior, then mingw.

Best wishes - EM
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