On Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 03:59:19 PM EST, Thomas Wolff <t...@towo.net> 
 Am 24.11.2020 um 21:22 schrieb Kevin Schnitzius via Cygwin:
>> Ctrl-c is broken on mintty.
> This is a wrong statement. For a terminal, Ctrl+c is just a control 
> character, nothing else. It's the pty device, shell or application that 
> may, or may not, associate it with specific handling like interruption.

D:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -o "KeyFunctions=A+F5:break" -
alt-F5 is a break that works on both Cygwin and non-Cygwin processes.

D:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -o "KeyFunctions=C+c:break" -
Ctrl-c is a break that works on Cygwin processes only.
This C+c used to work in both cases...  I think we've been over this before 
andthe problem very well may be in the pty break handling.
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