On 9/2/2020 6:14 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin-announce wrote:
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution
as test releases:

* mailutils-3.10-1
* libmailutils7-3.10-1
* libmailutils-sieve-extensions-3.10-1
* libmailutils-devel-3.10-1
* mailutils-mh-3.10-1
* mailutils-comsatd-3.10-1
* mailutils-imap4d-3.10-1
* mailutils-pop3d-3.10-1

Please test and report any problems to the cygwin mailing list.  If no
regressions are reported within the next few weeks, this release will
be promoted from 'test' to 'current'.

This has now been promoted to current.

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