
I'm try to write a client server application that used shared memory and
asemaphores.  Appended is a simple test case.  It works under Solaris
using the -lposix4 library.  But it doesn't work under Cygwin.  Given
the lack of any otherquestions about this, I imagine that I'm doing
something wrong, or it's functionality is limited.

The server maps a file as shared, inits a semaphore, then waits.  The
client, which you start after the server waits, shares the same file
(this part works) and attempts to post the semaphore.  The server ought
to -- but doesn't -- wake up.  It does in Solaris.

Win2000, SR3.   Two cygwin processes.

Thanks to anyone that can help!

Server code: (run first)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

struct shared {
  sem_t mutex;
  char buffer[100];
} shared;

main () {
  int fd;
  struct shared *ptr;
  sem_t play;
  int i;

  fd = open ("foo", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);

  printf ("Opened, fd is %d\n", fd);
  write (fd, &shared, sizeof (struct shared));

  ptr =  (struct shared *) mmap (NULL, sizeof (struct shared), PROT_READ

  printf ("Now sharing, ptr is %p\n", ptr);

  printf ("Initiating semaphore\n");
  i = sem_init (&(ptr->mutex), 1, 0);
  strcpy (ptr->buffer, "This is a test");

  printf ("Waiting on semaphore\n");
  sem_wait (&(ptr->mutex));
  printf ("Done waiting on semaphore\n");
  printf ("Pausing...\n");
  sleep (1);
  ptr->buffer[1] = 'a';
  sleep (1);
  ptr->buffer[2] = 'a';
  sleep (1);
  ptr->buffer[3] = 'a';
  sleep (1);
  ptr->buffer[4] = 'a';
  sleep (1);
  ptr->buffer[5] = 'a';
  sleep (1);
  ptr->buffer[6] = 'a';
  sleep (1);
  ptr->buffer[7] = 'a';
  printf ("destroying semaphore\n");
  close (fd);

  i = sem_destroy (&(ptr->mutex));
  sleep (10);

Client code: (run after server waits)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

struct shared {
  sem_t mutex;
  char buffer[100];
} shared;

main () {
  int fd;
  struct shared *ptr;
  fd = open ("foo", O_RDWR);
  printf ("Opened, fd is %d\n", fd);
  //  write (fd, &shared, sizeof (struct shared));

  ptr =  (struct shared *) mmap (NULL, sizeof (struct shared), PROT_READ
  printf ("Now sharing, ptr is %p\n", ptr);

  sem_post (&(ptr->mutex));
  printf ("This is in memory: %s\n", ptr->buffer);
  close (fd);


Elliot Mednick                             270 Billerica Road
Lead Architect, Embedded Systems Design    Chelmsford, MA 01824
Cadence Design Systems                     (978) 262-6501

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