On 12/24/2020 4:30 PM, Kaz Kylheku via Cygwin wrote:
Initial conditions:

   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ rm testfile
   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ touch testfile
   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ chmod = testfile
   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
   ---------- 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile

Now, light up all the bits, like a Christmas tree---appropriate
for December 24:

   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ chmod ugo+rwxs testfile
   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
   -rwsrwsrwx 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile

Well, almost all the bits: I didn't add "t", but it makes
no difference. Anyway, so far, so good. Now, punch a hole in
the group permissions:

   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
   -rws---rwx+ 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile

No idea what that + is hinting at, which indicates a problem.

No, it doesn't indicate a problem. It just means that there's an ACL involved in determining the actual permissions. Do an internet search for "ls plus sign" for more information.

But the group perms did get masked out. Let's keep going to the
main problem: repeat the second step to turn on all the bits:

   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ chmod ugo+rwxs testfile
   0:BLACKBOX:~/txr$ ls -l testfile
   -rws--Srwx+ 1 kaz kaz 0 Dec 24 13:23 testfile

What??? The expected perms are "-rwsrwsrwx". It did not set the group read
or write at all, and that funny  + is still hanging around.

I suspect this is the same owner/group issue that I suggested in my reply to your other message.

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