On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 3:08 PM Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:

> /usr/bin/exim-config has line with:
>   cygrunsrv -I exim -p /usr/bin/exim -e CYGWIN="${cygenv}" ...
> So it is the answer (as pointed by others).
> Still "procexp" doesn't show anything else besides PATH/WINDIR for "exim"
> process. It can be that cygrunsrv passed env vars in some Cygwin *magical 
> way*.
> Cannot confirm this, attempt to read /proc/X/environ gives "<defunct>". There
> is no problem to read "environ" for other Cygwin processes.

I have observed the same thing. The environment variable setting
exists in the 
registry subkey, but Process Explorer does not show the environment
variable in the list of environment variables for the process.

I have not looked at the code, but it seems that environment variables
specified in this way are not propagated to the environment block for
the process but instead are read some other way.

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