On 1/14/2021 5:27 PM, matthew patton via Cygwin wrote:
ring a bell with anyone?
C:\Users\mp1116\Downloads>Err_6.4.5.exe 0xc0000279# for hex 0xc0000279 / 
decimal -1073741191  STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_NOT_HANDLED                             
 ntstatus.h# The layered file system driver for this IO tag did not# handle it 
when needed.# as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), FACILITY_NULL (0x0), Code 
0x279# for hex 0x279 / decimal 633

Do you by any chance have symlinks in your PATH? There was a problem reported in early December in which STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_NOT_HANDLED would sometimes occur when there was a symlink in PATH:


This was fixed. You can test whether the same fix works for you by installing the latest snapshot from


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