Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote on 21.01.21 14:29:
Takashi Yano via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:

Please update cygwin to 3.1.7.

Sorry, I might misunderstand your problem.

Does your problem happen when you exit from ssh session to cygwin?
If so, are you using ~/.bash_logout (for bash) or ~/.logout (for tcsh)?

Thanks for asking.

Cygwin version is 3.1.7 now

This is exactly what happens:

    (1) Screen looks like this:

martyn@linuxbox:~$ echo local command 1
local command 1
martyn@linuxbox:~$ echo local command 2
local command 2
martyn@linuxbox:~$ ssh Winuser@<remote IP>

    hit RETURN
    (2) Screen looks like this:

martyn@linuxbox:~$ echo local command 1
local command 1
martyn@linuxbox:~$ echo local command 2
local command 2
martyn@linuxbox:~$ ssh Winuser@<remote IP>
Last login: Thu Jan 21 14:52:35 2021 from <local IP>

$ echo I want to keep this output
I want to keep this output

$ vim /home/Winuser/editing-testtext.txt

$ ls /home/Winuser/editing-testtext.txt

$ exit

    hit RETURN
    (3) Screen looks like this:

Connection to <remote IP> closed.
martyn@linuxbox:~$ echo all lines are gone
all lines are gone

- same behavior if I use "exit" or "logout".
    "bash_logout" gives me "command not found"
- shell is /bin/bash on both sides
- the command "cygcheck -c Cygwin" clears the local lines from
    screen (1) immediately even _before_ exit

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