On 2021-02-22 13:12, Doug Henderson wrote:
On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 at 08:21, Satalink wrote:
I deal with a lot of very large files on a regular basis.  I've noticed that
when I delve into these directories using in mintty and issue the command ls
-l (or ls -color=auto),  a very large junk of memory is consumed.   The
memory leak seems to be proportionate to the number and size of files within
the containing folder.

This is likely due to your virus scanner. If those files contain
non-executable content, it is probably safe to disable virus scans for
those files.

Something that ls does is triggering the scan. That scan causes the
virus scanner to read the entire file. You should see extraordinary
GPU and disk activity for some time after the ls completes. There
might be processes or at least threads for each file being scanned.

Hopefully you will be able to identify a common folder in the path to
those files where it is safe to disable scanning for that folder and
all folders and files within that folder.

I've often wondered if the heavy activity is due to Windows' defaults to writing files with F+RX perms which triggers executable virus scans?

You can't have separate directory and file default perms and unlike Unix, Windows appears dumb about applying the X bit to files, probably because that would render downloaded executables non-X, and there is no easy way for users to change that, whereas Unix requires tools and users explicitly grant X perms.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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